Wednesday 9 December 2020

Update - texts

Hi, for most of 2020, my hands have been full with other (paid) writing tasks. Below you can find links to some of my most recent texts. I'll publish some of them here, too, I think. I'll try and write some reviews in 2021 if time and economic realities permit.

Writing reviews or musings on exhibitions usually takes me a few weeks to complete, as I don't want to publish half-assed texts like I used to for the blog. I try to visit a show at least thrice for each text, and I've noticed it helps to return to a text over the span of several weeks. My latest piece on OceanĂ© Bruel and Dylan Ray Arnold's show is a case in point. 

I've deleted all my social so the best way to reach me is by mail or phone. Ask around.


A review of a show in Helsinki

A text, both in Finnish and English, about Jan Anderzén's mural:


A short essay in Finnish for Baltic Circle festival, about theatre and time:


I recommend ordering a copy of Ante Nouveau Magazine no2 featuring my piece about Even Minn's artistic practice. Originally published in this blog, I revised it for AN.

Another text that was published earlier and ended up in print (Synchron magazine, Germany) is the essay we wrote with Marina Valle Noronha, called Art Off The Air, which eerily predated the Covid-19 lockdown in a sense. Not sure if it's been published yet, here's their insta anyways:


Here in Helsinki, Sorbus gallery published its anthology earlier this year. I wrote an essay that is based on a Hampaat blog post. The anthology is a thing of beauty and I def recommend you get yourself a copy. I changed my name in Spring 2020 and this publication neatly presents the confusion I went through in sticking with one name.


Another text I'm really looking forward is the one I wrote for Kenno Films, a co-operative production house in Helsinki that's about to put out its first publication. My piece looks at the future of labor organisation and the question of global solidarity between workers. 


Stay on it babes.